Local Comic Shop Day® is permanently moving from the Winter Holiday Season to the last Saturday in September. Additionally, the focus of the 2024 event, held on September 28th, will be rebranding and strengthening industry partnerships in lieue of offering variant covers.
“We are moving Local Comic Shop Day® to the last Saturday in September for a few reasons”, said Marco Davanzo, Executive Director of ComicsPRO. “September is usually a slow month. The new date should help retailers increase sales by bringing the spotlight to local comic shops. By moving it to the Fall, we hope more publishers, retailers, and distributors can participate as it won’t overlap with an already busy end of year/winter holiday season and to stake out it’s own unique space on the calendar.”
Comics Store-front Retailers can register here:
#LCSD branded comics or graphic novels will be offered in 2024. They will return in 2025. “One of the goals of Local Comic Shop Day® is to offer limited, and exclusive items.” said Marc Bowker, Board Director of ComicsPRO. “We don’t have enough time to source these for the 2024 event. But, they will return in 2025. Specifically, we will be asking publishers to offer items that have low print runs, are released earlier or exclusively in the Direct Market, or are unique in some way.”
The focus of Local Comic Shop Day® will be rebranding and strengthening industry ties. “The focus of Local Comic Shop Day® 2024 will be to get a message out to the world that Comic Book Stores are unique entertainment destinations and that people should go in to visit their local store.” Added Bowker. “We hope to encourage publishers, distributors, and creators to join us in a media push and also to help us increase visits to the stores in other ways.”
Registered Retailers will have the following benefits:
· Ability to order ComicsPRO variants
· Stores be listed on the
#LCSD website
· Access to sales and deals from publishers and other vendors.
· Facebook ad push to registered store’s zip code.
Comics publishers, distributors, and creators that would like to help comic stores celebrate Local Comic Shop Day® can email
marco@comicspro.org for more information.